
Theatre plays written and performed by Keir Cutler, with year of premiere.
2024--Joan of Arc Ascending
2014--Shakespeare Crackpot
2011--Teaching Hamlet
2010--Rant Demon
2008--Teaching the Fringe
2006--Teaching As You Like It (Teaching Shakespeare 3)
2004--Lunatic Van Beethoven
2003--Teaching Witchcraft
2002--Is Shakespeare Dead?
2001--Teaching Detroit (Teaching Shakespeare 2)
1999--Teaching Shakespeare

EBOOKS by Keir Cutler

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French Translation of
Teaching Shakespeare:
Fou de Shakespeare
- Winnipeg Fringe Festival 2023
- Vancouver Fringe Festival 2017
- London, Ontario Fringe Festival 2016
- Edmonton Fringe 2015
- Winnipeg Fringe 2014
- Montreal Fringe 2013
- TA DA Festival 2013 (Wakefield, Quebec)
- Orlando Fringe 2013
- Vancouver Fringe 2010
- Toronto Fringe 2010
- Shakespeare Authorship Conference 2010 (Houston, Texas)
- Edmonton Fringe 20010
- Montreal Island Tour 2009-20010
- Vancouver Fringe 2008
- Victoria Fringe 2008
- Oh Solo Mio Festival 2008 (London, Ontario)
- Edmonton Fringe 2003
- Saskatoon Fringe 2003
- Ottawa Fringe 2003
- Village Theatre West 2003 (Hudson, Quebec)
- Festival Uno 2002 (Victoria, BC)
- Winnipeg Fringe 2001
- Fringe NYC 2000
- Toronto Fringe 2000
- Montreal Fringe 2000
- Wildside Festival 2000 - Centaur Theatre (Montreal, Quebec)
- American Theatre of Actors 1999
- Montreal Fringe 1999
- "Top !0" Orlando Fringe 2013 - Orlando Sentinel
- "Heldover" at Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton Fringe
- "Overall Excellence Award - Solo", New York Fringe 2000
- "Best Text", Montreal Fringe 1999
- "Best New Play 1998-99", MECCA (Montreal)
Most recent review from June 2016.
"Montreal-based actor and writer Keir Cutler's simultaneously hilarious and touching portrait of a self-serving professor at the end of his tether, is purest theatrical gold." The London Yodeller, London, Ontario
Other reviews.
"I remember Teaching Shakespeare as one of the most enjoyable Fringe productions of the last decade. Actor/academic Keir Cutler gave us Dr. Keir, a self-styled Shakespeare expert giving a university class. It was the class from hell. Keir pulled off the amazing feat of feeding you some fascinating minutiae about Shakespeare while leaving you laughing at the awesome ineptitude of the teacher."
- Colin MacLean, Edmonton Sun
"The buzz about Keir Cutler preceded him. When he opened Teaching Shakespeare: A Parody at the Fringe Festival Monday afternoon, the tiny Arts Court Library was packed.
And for good reason. Cutler's one-man show about a university English prof and a shambles of a class, enthusiastically received at other Fringe festivals, is fresh, literate, intelligent and dynamically performed. [...] The Shakespearean lesson is merely the hook on which Cutler hangs his narrative. What his play is, rather, is a richly realized study in disintegration, one man's life slowly coming apart at the seams. Certainly it has its moments of humour, but there is little wackiness. The "parody" of the title, far from being a Twisted Tales from Shakespeare, is hung with a pronounced sense of irony.
In a commanding performance, Cutler -- a scholar, playwright, professional actor and Sean Connery lookalike -- creates a portrait of a gifted man trying to laugh, or bluff, his way through the pain. And failing.
It is brilliant and credible. [...] A real theatrical gift."
Janice Kennedy, Ottawa Citizen, June 25, 2003
"...extremely silly and funny...reminiscent of a particularly good Monty Python sketch. Cutler, with a strong, deep voice and quietly penetrating presence is so totally comfortable
in the loopy role."
Michael Lazan, Backstage (New York)
read the full review
"...a very funny, often cutting and totally engaging work written, directed and performed by the formidably delightful Keir Cutler."
Doug DeVita, Off-Off Broadway Review (New York)
read the full review
"...hilarious example of how not to conduct a class in the study of "The Bard". Cutler shows the right way to put on a one-man show."
Kieran Grant, Toronto Sun
"Original, funny and intelligent...Cutler skewers every instructor who uses class time to recount life stories, lament his or her home life, or turn his subject into an icon."
Joanne Huffa, eye Weekly (Toronto)
"Keir Cutler's Teaching Shakespeare is the perfect primer for a visit to the Stratford Festival. Intelligent writing, deadpan delivery and a respect for brevity make this tongue in cheek lecture a treat."
Pat Donnelly, The Gazette (Montreal)
"Blisteringly funny stuff and sometimes ambitiously and beautifully lyrical...It's a first rate text. Go."
Gaetan Charlebois, Hour (Montreal)
Teaching Shakespeare is playing to sold out houses for a good reason. It's a very funny, witty, well-acted show. I loved it. ... It's a brilliant way to spend an hour. Go early, tickets are selling out quickly.
Sam Mooney, Mooney on Theatre.
"Keir Cutler's delightful Teaching Shakespeare, the most fun I've had at the theatre in years!"
Kelly Bedard, myentertainmentworld-theatre.blogspot.com
"Ceux qui maitresent la langue de Shakespeare gagneront justement a aller voir Teaching Shakespeare"
Marie-Christine Blais, La Presse (Montreal)